Folderz - User Guide
Folderz is an app for managing folders directory in confluence, and will display the spaces hierarchy.
Virtual Folderz
Virtual Folderz
You can create (rename, and delete) virtual folderz. These Virtual Folderz are handy for creating folder directory structures. e.g. set several spaces under Virtual Folder.
Creating new Virtual Folder:
Rename / Delete Virtual Folder
Pressing on the 3 dots icon next to a virtual folder will open a menu
This will allow you to:
rename the current folder,
create a new folder (under the current folder)
and remove the folder
To Change space name - you need to do through confluence basic method
Spaces/Folderz hierarchy managment
You can easily drag & drop Space or Virtual Folder any place in the hierarchy.
clicking on Space or Virtual Folder will open it and show the sub-hierarchy
Clicking on files will act as hyperlink to the relevant page.
Moving Folderz will move only the internal FolderZ hierarchy - will not effect the actual spaces.
Files link
every space or document name is served as a hyperlink to the actual element in confluence.
Permission aspects
There is no permission based logical directories (every one can see / change)
Spaces will be presented based on the user permission.
User without relevant permission might see only the spaces he has permission to view under the logical Folderz
Data refresh
The view is updated online upon opening the Folderz view.