Restoring your Backup


Restoring your Backup

To restore your backup, choose the desired snapshot entry and click the Restore option on the right.


The app than analyses the file


You can now choose projects, issues, or assets (if exists) to restore.

Restore Issues

When selecting this option you will be asked to select a source project which was backed up and found in the snapshot, and a target project into which into restore issues.

A filter allows you to further identify specific issues by their summary field and the date range in which the where updated. This will help you identify chamges between the snapshot and your current state of the project.

Select the desired issues, and click Restore.

You will see a progress indicator as the restore is being dine

Clicking Show report, allows you to examine the results. The restored issues appear with a new Key, in order not to override any existing information.

Restore Projects

With this option, you can restore an entire project, from the backup, as displayed for your selection.

Select the desired project and click Restore.

Once the restore is complete, you can examine the results in the report

Note that the project was restored into a new project, so that the original one is kept. You can now edit the issues and projects and decide what to keep.

Restore Assets

Assets are restored for the entire site, from the backup snapshot you select.

Again, the progress is shown and you can view the results in the report.